Saturday, May 18, 2013

My Hackintosh Adventure

This just describes the experience and the problems I had while installing OS X 10.8.2. If you have a similar config(Fujitsu LH 531v with Nvidia 410m) like mine, you can try asking about your problems. If you don't,THEN DON'T BOTHER.

"Apple Inc." - a company which is famous for its  Iphone, Ipod, Ipad and MacBook/Pro/Air has its own operating system, named as OS X, which is a Unix-based graphical interface operating systems. Sadly, it is designed to run exclusively on Mac computers, having been pre-loaded on all Macs.

But that doesn't mean we will have to buy a macbook to try OS X.

I was pretty interested on OS X. Some people even said it's better than windows. But I didn't want to buy a new macbook just to try OS X out. I am pretty content with my Fujitsu LH 531v.

There are several methods of installing OS X into Intel PC's, which can be found on the Internet. Some works, some doesn't. As I was searching a way to install OS X on my fujitsu laptop, I stumbled on a Blog with instructions which seemed pretty easy. All I had to do is make a partition on my HDD and simply restore the data by a software.

But it didn't work out.
Moreover, my windows partition got corrupted.
I tried to fix it with the windows Disk, but it simply didn't show my windows partition.
Thankfully, I had a Linux Ubuntu 10.4 "Lucid Lynx" cd which enabled me to see and repair the bootflag of Windows partition. (Huzzah for Linux!)

At this point, I thought, why not just give up and forget about this OS X?

But still, i had a small hope of installing OS X on my laptop.

Oneday, while browsing on a forum, I saw a post about Niresh's OS X 10.8.2. The poster said its easy to install and supports most of the PC's. I thought, why not give it a try again?

After downloading the whole thing, I tried to install it by the instructions it came with. Selected DVD rom in BIOS, then Niresh's Mac OSX Installer from the boot menu. But I couldn't even see the installtion window!
Searching in the net with the error logs it showed(I cant remember it properly now), I found out that those instructions won't work and I have to burn it to a DVD first.

After buring it on a DVD, I tried again. This time, it worked! The installation screen was there!!(I had to wait for 5-10 min though).
I had a partition ready for Mac installation so i just used the "Disk Utility" on the "Tools" menu, select that partition and erased the partition as "Mac OS Extended, journaled"(You cant install it on a FAT/FAT32/NTFS drive).

The installation process was 20-30 min long. I got bored and went to do other works.
When i came back, I saw that the installation screen got stuck on 99% (it doesn't actually show the percentage actually, just a progress bar).
"Darn! I have to start from the begining again!" I thought. So I restarted my laptop by pressing the power button.

When it restarted, I saw that my mac drive was showing in the boot menu. When I highlighted it, it showed that Mac OS X is installed in this drive.

I was happy. As I pressed enter, it showed some written infos. And then the Apple screen was there.
But after sometime passed, it got stuck.

 I restarted the laptop again, without the DVD on my DVD drive. This time, my HDD wasn't booting.

I restarted again along with the dvd and the boot menu was there. This time while selecting the mac drive, I entered the " -v " bootflag, which is the option for "verbose mode". I saw that boot stops at "BluetoothHCIController -completed"(can't remember the whole thing) log. Searching on the net, I found out that it is a problem with my graphics card and I have to move some kexts (drivers for mac) to boot it properly.

So I restarted it again, and this time I selected " -s " which is the code for "Single user mode" which is basically a command line mode. Then I mounted the drive by entering "mount -uw / ". Then I changed the directory to "Extensions" by entering " cd /System/Library/Extensions/ "and made a folder named "Backup" by "mkdir backup/". the I moved the necessary kexts by "mv kext name /System/Library/Extensions/Backup ".

The kext I had to move are as followed :
AppleIntelHDGraphics kexts
AppleIntelHD3000 kexts
AppleIntelHD4000 kexts
NVDA/GeForce/AMD/ATI kexts
(you can select them by writing the core name and putting a * after it; like NVDA*)

Then I fixed the permissions by putting
"chown -R root:wheel /System/Library/Extensions/ "
"chmod -R 755 /System/Library/Extensions/"

and restarted by entering "reboot"

This time, it started pretty well. the desktop was there but it was hella slow. launchpad was slow as well. There were also signs of graphical defects on Notification Bar.

I knew that this was a problem because I had removed the necessary kexts which is needed to run with the full graphics mode. Still I searched for some infos on internet about it and saw that I have to select the "MackBook Pro 8.1" to enable the HD3000 Graphics Card. So I installed "MultiBeast - Mountain Lion 5.3.0" and installed "Mack Book Pro 8.1 " along with my wifi driver " Atheros AR9285 and "Voodo driver 2.7.1" for sound .

After restarting, I started experimenting by putting all the AppleIntelHD3000 kexts of "Backup" folder to "Extension" folder. After deleting and moving some kexts, it worked!

Now I have a 95% working OSX 10.8.2 on my Fujitsu Laptop along with Windows 7. The Nvidia 410m Card and the iMessage app  isn't working in OSX. Other than that, everything is fine.

Fixed the windows bootloader and installed another bootloader by EasyBCD.

Things I learned from this experience :

1. Installing OSX on a PC is a hectic work. Took me 1 full night to install it

2. You cant just click everything and hope it'll work. You'll have to understand the commands and their purposes.

3. Always keep a Backup of EVERYTHING. I lost some data while partitioning.

4. And just to be safe, keep a win 7 and linux os dvd with you while installing osx. It'll come in handy. 


  1. Interesting read, share some of your linux experiences and give some review!

  2. wow eto sokale ghum theke uthen kemne??
