Monday, January 6, 2014

Free Manga Downloader

We all know about "Domdomsoft Manga Downloader" (those who don't know, its a pretty popular manga downloader software) but the limited version cant download from high quality Manga site like Batoto, Eatmanga and the Full version costs 7.95$ for 1 year license and 25$ for lifetime license (seriously?!) which is pretty much costly. Although domdoms manga downloader is a pretty nice application, I don't want to pay to download Manga from free sites. So I was searching for a free alternative (viva freeware!) and I stumbled upon a software called "Free Manga Downloader" which is a pretty nifty application for downloading Manga.

Description from their sourceforge project page :

The Free Manga Downloader (FMD) is an open source application written in Object-Pascal for managing and downloading manga from various websites such as AnimeA, Batoto, MangaFox, MangaStream, ...

The User Interface of Free Manga Downloader isn't same as Domdomsofts Manga Downloader and sometimes can be a little confusing, but nevertheless it gets the job done. You can download Manga from various sites including : AnimeA, Batoto, Eatmanga, MangaFox, MangaHere, MangaPanda, MangaTraders, KissManga, Fakku and various others. You can check information about the Manga  and also check for updates on your favorite Manga chaters from inside the application, which is a pretty useful option.

Some screenshots (taken from their sourceforge page):

I'm currently using this software to download "Aku no Hana" and "Watashi ni xx shinasai" (both are pretty good, check them if you still haven't) from Batoto. The software is doing a great job. Thumbs up to the creator for this awesome software.

Links :

Creators blog :

Sourceforge project Page :

If you know some other software like this, feel free to comment. ^w^

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